
Reason #4

Jeanne is the assistant to the Dean of Students at Mountain Range University. "I should be excused from chapel because (insert ridiculous reason here)." Who wouldn't want to run far, far away from that? Seattle = far away from whining college students who think that they are the exception to every rule. Portland = close to whining college students who think that they are the exception to every rule. Seems like a simple equation to figure out to me.

So, reason #4 that my patient and loving friend Jeanne should move it on up is that even the kindest soul can only take so much from the blubbering babies. Run away, Jeanne! Run away!


rebecca marie said...

reason #4 she should stay and you should come back...

summer. break.

Rebecca said...

Although the students go away for summer, those who work at said College do not actually get a summer break, unless of course you are one of the great and mighty faculty members.

rebecca marie said...

riiiiii, there is that to consider. i was just thinking that this lovely jeanne chick could at least have a few months to do her job in peace, a rare commodity in any occupation.

rebecca marie said...

see, now with any paying attention at all, even a little, i would have noticed that i was about to say "riiiii," instead of the intended, "riiiiight."

Rebecca said...

It's ok. You were probably interrupted by some whiny employee who wanted an advance on a paycheck or something. See, whiners everywhere! :)

Paula said...

Everywhere except in Seattle!!!