
Life updates

Well, I haven't really posted in awhile. Here's what's been going on with me:
* I'm still working on planning the shower for my sister-in-law
* I'm also planning a party for my friend Rebecca's 30th b-day. Let me know if you want to be in on the planning, and I'll tell you where to sign up!
*My mom is taking our family (mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, niece & nephews, brother, husband, aunt, uncle &cousin) on a cruise next April to Honduras, Belize, and Cozumel. Fun!
*My hubby is looking for a new job. This is a good thing for several reasons including, but not limited to the following:
1. His current job involves working with a lot of poisons
2. His current job is ridiculously poorly managed
3. His current job requires him to work wierd hours, even though at the beginning, he was told that it wouldn't
4. His current job does not allow him to get enough sleep-- ever
5. He has other things that are important to him like our marriage, church, and the band
So... he had a job interview on Tuesday for a much better job. Please pray that God would do what's best for us where a new job is concerned. We really need a change.
*The band had a show on Friday. After the sound guy and the other two bands were paid, the Upset Victory guys got $2 each! :) It's exciting to be a part of my hubby's blossoming music career. Make sure you go to their website and join their mailing list so you can keep up-to-date on what's happening with them.
*My job is getting better. I am getting more and more training and finally starting to feel like I know what I'm doing.
*There are currently 2 people in my life who cause me to constantly struggle with my attitude, and I'm related to both of them, which means there is no escape (no, my fabulous husband is not one of them). God is really working on my heart, but it's hard. Feel free to pray for me about that.
*My niece graduated from the 8th grade yesterday. I am so proud of her-- she is so much more sure of herself at 13 than I was even through high school. She is one of my favorite people of ever. She looked so cute and grown-up in the dress she wore to her dance last night. I can't belive she's going to start high school in the fall!
*My hubby and I are coming to Portland. We're staying with our dear friend Rebecca and we're really excited to get to spend some time with her. I am grateful for Rebecca and how comfortable it is for us to be around her. She's the kind of friend that didn't go all wierd on me just cuz I got married. She loves Eric almost as much as she loves me, and I love that the 3 of us can hang out and have a good time.
*I'm excited to see all my Portland friends this weekend!

That's all for now. If you're going to be in Portland this weekend, let's make sure we get together at some point!

Hooray for God for life and all of its craziness and the things He teaches us through it all!


Tim said...

Will you hang out with me too? We're not coming until Saturday.


Paula said...

Oh, I guess. If you're cool enough to be added to my links (did you notice that I added you?) I guess you're cool enough for me to hang out with you.

Are you sure you don't just want to be our friends because of all our fame and fortune?

James T Wood said...

So . . . when are you going to come on tour to Memphis? There's a lot of places to play?

(pssst, Memphis sucks, just so you know).

Paula said...

Well, Eric went to school near Memphis for a year, so my guess is... never. When are you moving back here?

rebecca marie said...

it was nice to see you this morning, mrs. pritchard. see you tomorrow!

(dang, that felt good to say!)

Alan said...

Have you noticed that all 3 of my kids are real cool, and my grandkids are real cool. That must mean that the Pop of Rebecca, Michael, Tim, and the Papa of Madeline and Jordan, must be the coolest Pop ever. I might even be cooler than Cosby.

Rebecca said...

yeah, all three of us can be friends and it's not weird. Hey, let's hang out this weekend, too!

Paula said...

Alan- it's true that all of your kids and their kids are very cool which is clearly a reflection of the coolness of you. :)

RM- it was lovely to see you as well! Let's do it again soon!

Jeanne- Seriously. I love that about us. I think it's a rare gift. So, yes, let's!

breanna said...


breanna is sad she missed the big shindig.



i did just read that switchfoot's only NW concert will be in pewallup in september. pyoowallop. peyoowahlahp. pee-ewe-all-up.

anyhow. i was thinking it would be nice to go see them. and i was thinking you and your mister might like to see them. and i was thinking i might like to see you and your mister. i was thinking a lot.

what do you think?

breanna said...

it's been like two minutes since i last posted. and i'm still laughing SO HARD over the puyallup thing. i am funny. now i'm laughing harder. oh man. that's good stuff.

especially the pew one. like all up on the pew.

i'm convulsing vigorously. i'm totally serious. oh man. i'm laughing even harder now. i wish you could see it.

maybe stand all up on the pew, and you can get a better view from there.

okay, there are tears running down my face at this point. and i snorted. but just a little.

this must end.

Paula said...

Wow. That was amazing. Now I am cracking up. What I would like to know is: who decided that Pyooallup should be spelled p-u-y-a-l-l-u-p?

And, yes, that would be fun... depending on the date. We have an anniverssary getaway planned that month. Let me know when it is...