
Home Owners?

I love the Northwest. I love how we have 4 distinct seasons, and it never gets super duper hot or cold. I love the trees and the mountains, the lakes and the rivers, the plants and the flowers. I love Seattle and Portland. This is a great, great place to live! But we pay for it, don't we? I am overwhelmed by how expensive everything is. Since I got married, I've really been feeling like we will just be stuck renting forever (think squints from The Sandlot- FOR-EV-VER). Home ownership just seemed like such an unattainable goal. I didn't know what to do to even begin to reach it. However, my best friend from forever happens to do home loans for a living. So, we set up a meeting with her this past Saturday to discuss what we could qualify for, how we could make it work, etc. To be honest, I thought we would be at least a year out from even being able to seriously think about buying a house. But she is really good at her job and encouraged us and helped us figure out a way to get into a house. So, we thought we'd start looking around. We drove around town looking at what was for sale. And then we found it. The one and only house in our price range happened to be a well-kept, super-cute 1926 craftsman. Tiny, but that's all we need right now. So we put in an offer. CRAZY! Our real estate agent (whose kids I baby-sat for 8 years before college) said we're not going to see anything else like this come around for awhile, if ever. So we went for it. They accepted our offer! Our inspection is on Sunday afternoon, so hopefully that will go perfectly and as of September 15th we will be homeowners! Any prayers you could offer up on our behalf would be very much appreciated. Here is a picture of what will hopefully be our first home:

Hooray for God for answering our prayers and helping us get out of the rent cycle and for providing all of our needs and a lot of our wants!

*** Update *** We had our inspection yesterday. The current owners are going to do a couple of small things for us like getting the chimney cleaned, but other than that, we're set. Now we just have to wait for the appraisal from our lender, and then we will be done and we should close on September 15th. Hooray!


RoniZee said...

So super cute! I love it. I hope you get it!

Tim said...

Cool house!

James T Wood said...

WHOA! That's great! I'm so happy that God has provided you a place to live and to not have to pay rent. That gives me hope that when we get to Portland we might not be stuck renting FOR-EV-ER.

Paula said...

Thanks guys! I'll be sure and keep you posted.

James- seriously, I think the biggest hurdle to being able to buy a house is not thinking we can do it. Julianne kept telling me we could do it, but I didn't believer her. Granted, we can just barely do it, but we can do it. Find people you can trust to handle your loan and for a real estate agent, and you'll be set. One thing I didn't know is that as a buyer, you don't have to pay your real estate agent. Their comission is paid by the seller. So far, it really hasn't cost us much to do this thing. And having people on our side that we can trust makes a huge difference.

Aimee Jo said...

FLIPPIN' SWEET! I think that is GREAT news! And what a cute house!

Kristi said...

Yeah! Thats exciting! We will have to come up and see it when you have it, or help you move.

Sarah said...

That is an adorable house! You can't find anything that cute in Texas. (Even if you can get a lot more house for the money here, but I'd rather live in a cute craftsman house, wouldn't you?)

Congratulations :)

Priscilla said...

Awesome Paula! congrats on the house and it is super-d-duper cute! This seattle area is pricey, so any time you can catch a good deal, just know that god is on your side and wants to bless you! i'm so happy for you guys!