
Reason #11

Jeanne loves music. And not just the stuff that everybody is listening to on the radio, either. She enjoys expanding her horizons and finding cool new sounds that maybe nobody has heard of yet, but they sound good to her. She is, shall we say, a bit of a Connoisseur. In fact, right this very moment, she's probably thinking "where could I go in Portland on Labor Day weekend to hear lots and lots and lots of great music, see cool art and films, and eat good food?" The answer: nowhere!!! What on earth is Jeanne to do? I would like to suggest the following answer:

The 35th annual BUMBERSHOOT!!!

The 2005 schedule was just released a few days ago, and it's going to be great! You can check it out at www.bumbershoot.com. So... reason #11 that Jeanne needs to mobilize her musical madness and move to the beautiful emerald city is that bumbershoot is awesome and much more enjoyable when you can go home and relax in your own home at the end of each of the 3 days of fun. Come on, Jeanne. You know you want to.


James T Wood said...

Bumbershoot is a weird name - does anyone really know what Bubmershoot really means?

Hey are you going to get some PBR and head down for the hydro-races?

Tim said...

I have a hat thanks to James.

Rebecca said...

I think we should never go to anything called Bumpershoot. It reminds me of growing up in Stockton where driveby shootings were common.

Paula said...

James: No PBR; perhaps the races.

Tim: wha?

Jeanne: you should never go to anything called bumpershoot. But you should go to something called Bumbershoot and you should live in Seattle.

Rebecca said...

Guess I didn't read close enough. It's an even weirder name the way it's intended.