
Reason #8

Jeanne is a bridesmaid. And not just any bridesmaid, she is MY bridesmaid. And the only one in the party who has been in a wedding before. Something about her presence just makes me feel calmer. I've got this crazy thing going on right now where I don't FEEL stressed out mentally, but my body is showing aaaaaaaallllllll of the physical signs of being stressed out-- tight neck and shoulders, random canker sores, breakouts on my face, restlessness... even my teeth hurt! So, clearly, I need a little Jeanne therapy. I think it's the only thing that will break the vicious cycle. And a weekend visit is just NOT going to cut it, people. I need access to my amazingly grounded, Godly, wise friend ALL OF THE TIME.

So... Reason #8 that Jeanne should pack up her psych degree and journey Northward is that if she doesn't, I'm probably going to lose my mind.


James T Wood said...

No going crazy.

Rebecca said...

Oh, Jean...

Paula said...

Well, it's true. You'd better get up here... :)

breanna said...

praying for your teeth...