
Being a Grown-up

It seems to me that getting married is this magical thing that makes people start treating you like a grown-up. In general, people tend to take you more seriously and expect more of you. Well, I have a secret: My husband and I are a couple of big ol' kids, and we have no intention of growing up EVER! Oh, sure, we'll pay our bills on time, probably buy a house before too long, and be generally responsible citizens. But when we do the dishes, we will have soap fights in which I grow a soap beard and he grows a soap cone out the top of his head. When we go for long walks in the park, we will jump from mole hill to mole hill, pretending that the grass is RED HOT LAVA!!! We will stay up late, eat ice cream for dinner, make weird faces at each other in the bathroom mirror, and go out for breakfast every Saturday morning. We will kiss at red lights, and then make up silly songs about it. And we will laugh and laugh and laugh. And we will be happy. Hooray for God for giving me my perfect husband!


Aimee Jo said...

So sweet! Isn't marriage great? I am so happy that you are enjoying your new season of life! Many blessings on your family, friend!

Sarah said...

You sound so happy! Your post made me smile. :) Your kids are going to be riots, with such awesomely goofy parents! lol

rebecca marie said...

moley moley moley