
You Know Who You Are

This is a tribute to one of my life's greatest friends. She is true and loyal and real. She has always loved me without reservation. I have never had to pretend with her. She is kind and giving and talented. She does her very best for her family. I admire her parenting skills. She has let me share in the lives of her kids, which has made me more loving, and has taught me a lot about the way God loves us. She is smart and funny and so quick-witted that it sometimes takes me a minute to catch up with her. She has a strenth about her that can only come from her choice to depend on God. She does not fake it. There is nothing false about her. She is willing to be vulnerable so that other people can learn from the things she has experienced. She is capable and skilled and willing to try new things. And she is so fun! She is just generally an excellent person to be around. I have looked up to her my entire life and will continue to do so. She has been facing some really heart-breaking challenges lately, but I know she will face them with grace, dignity, and love because she is serious about letting God work in her heart. I just wanted to take a minute to let the world know how special she is to me and to say "Horray for God for my Sister!"

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