

Jeanne tagged me with the book list, and I have a feeling if I don't post it pretty soon, I'm going to get in trouble. So, here we go:

A book that changed my life: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis- it was the right book at the right time. I was struggling with feeling like what I believed didn't make any sense. Even though I know that God is too big to be understood, the logic of this book was just what I needed at the time to keep me on the right path.

A book I've read more than once: The Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, The Harry Potter series, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

A book that made me laugh: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

A book I would take with me if stuck on a desert Island: Hmmmm... no idea. Other than the obvious survival guide or something like that

A book I wish had been written: Um... The next Harry Potter book would be nice... I always hate it when I finish one and have to wait for the next one!

A book I wish had never been written: The Shipping News. I had to read it in high school and I HATED it! I was so mad when it was recently made into a movie... I refuse to watch it!

A book I've been meaning to read: (this answer used to be blue like jazz, but I've started reading it since I started working on this post a couple of weeks ago, so now I don't know...)

I'm currently reading: Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller
The Wizard of Oz series by L. Frank Baum... there are 14 Wizard of Oz books. Did you know that? They are really fun. My hubby loves them and has them all.

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