
Here we go again...

So, getting married is basically an absolute guarantee that you are going to gain weight. Seems to happen to everybody. Thankfully, Eric and I have not put on so much weight as to have to buy bigger clothes, but neither of us is happy with our overall health at the moment. So... we joined a gym. Ugh. I love being in shape, but I really really hate working out. Well, at least the cardio part. I don't mind the weight lifting so much. But it is definitely more fun to go with my hubby and work on a common goal that to be doing it all alone. And our gym is pretty great. As part of our membership, we get to meet with a trainer once a month. Most gyms I've been to give you a brief consultation when you start, but then you're on your own. So, I'm pretty excited to have monthly access to someone who will help me design a workout to meet my goals. I think I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that I am NEVER going to be one of those people who can just eat whatever they want, never exercise, and still be in shape. It's just not going to happen. If I want to be healthy, I'm going to have to work at it. I'm also playing volleyball right now, which is kind of my reward for working out. I mean... I LOVE volleyball, and working out makes me better at it, so I'm really glad that I still have an opportunity to play competitive ball. It's quite a bit slower than it was in my college days, but it's super fun. I'm excited to start honoring God more by taking better care of my body. Hooray for God for giving me the motivation and the tools to make it happen!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Good for you guys!! I am very proud of you. Keep us posted on how the working out is going and maybe that will help motivate me.