
Reason #1

Jeanne is a California Girl. Granted, she has lived in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for a long time, but not long enough to acquire the "webbed feet" that most of us natives are born with. While it's true that Seattle and Portland both see their fair share of rain in a given year, the average annual rainfall in Seattle is a full FOUR INCHES LESS than it is in P-town! (i know you're curious- it's 36 inches in Seattle and 40 in Portland)

So, reason number 1 that my dear friend Jeanne should pack up the u-haul and point it North is that those extra four inches could just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Her sunny Cali demeanor just can't handle the extra precipitation!


rebecca marie said...

reason #1 she should stay and you should move back...

the song "the rain," by Oran Juice Jones is more fitting in Portland, if your statistic is true. and who wouldn't want to live some where where that song is more fitting, i mean, please.

Paula said...

Dearest Rebecca Marie,

One reason I'm most excited about having a blog of my own is that now I can post comments on yours, which I read faithfully. I miss you, friend!

Back to the matter at hand... I'm going to change the title of the "comments" to "people who agree with me." :)

rebecca marie said...

i miss you too!!!! why is it that i don't email you? i've intended to since JANUARY. oh, right, it's because i'm lazy.

Paula said...

Well, stop it! E-mail away! I (and when I say "I," I mean "we!") am coming down to P-town on April 29th, and I would love to see you!

rebecca marie said...

groovy, baby. see you then...