
Reason #3

Jeanne is one of my very bestest friends in the whole enite great big huge ol' world. Today is my birthday. She's not here. I don't think this one requires a whole lot of extra explaination, so...

The third reason my fabulous pally Jeanne should hoist her hiney up here is because no celebration is as enjoyable without her.


rebecca marie said...

reason #3 that she should stay and you should come back...

there are two other lovely women in the portland area who arrived on the planet on the seventeenth of april. why not celebrate it as a hat trick?

(also, happy birthday)

Paula said...

Well, well, well... looks like we have a blog hijacker! This is going to be a fun little game.

(also, thanks for the happy birthday message)

rebecca marie said...

someone hijacked your blog??? boy, i'd change your password or something...