
Band Practice

Once upon a time, my husband was at band practice. And I was there, too. And I had nothing to do except for to think of something to blog about. Also, the once upon a time is right now. So, as previously stated, I am at band practice. Eric is in a band called Upset Victory. I have a link to their web site on my main page. They have a couple of shows coming up, which is exciting because they've been working on recording their EP for a long time, so there haven't been any shows for awhile. Someday, Eric will be able to make a living just with his music. That will be great. In the mean time, though, we're trying to juggle 2 full time jobs and a full time band, which is quite a challenge. For example, today we both had long days at work and didn't get home until 5:45. We should have left our house for practice at 5:30. So, we changed really fast and ate in the car on the way here (we were lucky this week... we usually don't get to eat first). We'll get home at around 10, just in time to get ready for bed. On Monday, March 27th, they have a show that starts at 10 PM. 10 PM!!! Remember how I said that we both had full-time jobs? That start at early, grown-up morning times? Yeah, so all of this full time everything is going to be a bit tough. But we can handle it! Hooray for God for giving my husband such great talent and the potential to get to make a living doing something that he really loves. Also, hooray for my husband for having the courage to do something about his dream!


rebecca marie said...

lookit him all like playing his git-tar and stuff. sweet.

Rebecca said...

new post please.